How Early Can I Book My Flights or My Timeshare?

Planning Your Flights

The earliest that you can book your flights is generally 330 days before the day you fly home. So that means that you look at your proposed travel dates and subtract 330 days from the last day of your vacation, put that date on your calendar. When that date pops up, call your travel agent to book your flights. Yes, I realize that many people try to figure out when they can get the best prices, but I want to know that it is done and that I have the best pick of seats, etc…

If you don’t want to do the math, just click here for the calculator to do that work for you. Keep in mind that if it is a really big trip, you should have already booked the timeshare a couple of months ago. If it is a photo safari, I often book 16 to 18 months out to get the locations I want and generally I can get them at this year’s prices rather than picking up what is left over at next year’s prices.

Planning Your Timeshare Weeks

You face the same issue when you want to book your next vacation, especially if it is during Christmas Week, New Years, Holy Week or Easter Week. First of all you need to know what your timeshare rules are. For example, I can book my vacations 13 months before the first day of my vacation. If I am booking outside of my “club”, then the time is often reduced to 11 months or 10 months out. Here is another handy set of calculators to make it simple for you. Click here to go to my timeshare calculators.

Once you have done the calculations, just mark the date on your calendar and when that date arrives, make sure to get up early to book your special week. I know that my timeshare opens for booking at 6:00 am, so I put it on the day before with a note to set the alarm to get up to book the vacation.

For example, we always go to the same resort for Thanksgiving week for a mini family reunion. That means that I have to look up next November and figure out the dates that we want to stay at the resort, then mark down the date so that I am booking next year’s Thanksgiving vacation the month before this year’s Thanksgiving vacation. Plan ahead and you won’t be disappointed next year.


Turning Dreams into Memories,
One Vacation at a Time.
Bon Voyage!!!

As you might guess, this document is a compilation of information from our travels as well as from other travelers. I hope it has been of value to you.  Check out the important links below.

Don’t hesitate to email us when you return from your trip with any suggestions that will make this document better for you and your fellow travelers!

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